Thursday, November 25, 2004

The Wilderness

What does Webster Say...???

Main Entry: wil·der·ness
Pronunciation: 'wil-d&r-n&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from wildern wild, from Old English wilddEoren of wild beasts1 a

(1) : a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings (2) : an area essentially undisturbed by human activity together with its naturally developed life community b : an empty or pathless area or region c : a part of a garden devoted to wild growth2 obsolete : wild or uncultivated state3 a : a confusing multitude or mass : an indefinitely great number or quantity b : a bewildering situation

1 ~ Been there... Colorado and Wyoming, nothing better
2 ~ a lie, don't know of any place that has not been disturbed by humans. Including the Wilderness of God. "Naturally developed life community"... I'm into that.
2b ~ Kansas??? How about Jesus after his baptism??
2c ~ "Wild Growth" Sounds like spiritual formation... I'll take the Earthly orb for my garden.
3a ~ does a "wilderness of humanity" count?
3b ~ "Bewildering situation"... Saint Paul

Two kinds of wilderness experiences for me. The ones above 3,000 feet that I dream, everyday, about traveling to. And the one I live in, which is not limited to Kansas, but includes life, family, school, and chasing God.

I suppose the most important thing is not the location of the "wilderness," but what we learn about ouselves when we are there. The great Frank Pritz once told me, regarding a life lived chasing God, know yourself and love the people.

I learn something profound about myself everytime I am in a wilderness experience. I can't even begin to imagine the things that I miss or look past while I'm there. I guess that's why I continue to be pulled back into those times and places that foster self-exploration. Awesome!!!